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ENROLLMENTS OPEN! The course starts em 16 dias (22/02/2025). Secure your spot now!


Camp com Fred Dimpfel

3 Lessons
8 hours

350,00 BRL

7-day money back guarantee

What you get

  • 8 hours course
  • 2 Articles


350,00 BRL

7-day money back guarantee

What you get

  • 8 hours course
  • 2 Articles

Course Schedule

🚀   Registrations
- From 14/01/2025 until 20/02/2025;
- Enroll in these dates to attend to the course.

🗓   Agenda
- Begins on 22/02/2025;
- Ends on 23/02/2025.

💡   Additional information
- The course has a total duration of 1 day;
- All content will be available until 23/02/2025.

About the Course

Camp de 2 dias com Frederick Dimpfel.

Teórico e prático com experiência supervisionada

Course Content

Course starts: 22/02/2025

Lessons starts 22/02/2025 1 days duration

Conteúdo presencial

3 lessons
0 sec

  • 1. [presencial] Como se movimentar
  • 2. [presencial] para onde olhar
  • 3. [presencial] arbitrar um jogo com supervisão

Closure on: 23/02/2025